The Operations Tech Tree

As players progress through the game, they accumulate Influence by capturing tiles on the map, through their Guild, or their Faction. When a certain amount of Influence is accumulated, it can be consumed to level up the Operations Tech Tree.

Tech Tree Overview

The Operations Tech Tree consists of a series of hierarchically connected nodes, where each node represents a unique operation or bonus. Players earn Upgrade Points when they level up the tree, which can be used to unlock or upgrade nodes. Unlocking a node grants access to any connected child nodes, allowing players to progress through the tree strategically.

Node Types

Passive Bonuses:

  • These nodes provide stat increases or other passive effects.

Active Bonuses:

  • These nodes unlock abilities that can be activated for a limited time, requiring Helion to use. The amount of Helion needed varies depending on the operation, and Helion regenerates over time (1 point every 24/Max hours).

Tech Tree Sections

The Operations Tech Tree is divided into four sections, each focused on a different aspect of gameplay:

  • Core: Unlocked at Tree Level 1.

  • Economy: Unlocked at Tree Level 10.

  • Expansion: Unlocked at Tree Level 30.

  • Dominance: Unlocked at Tree Level 50.

Resetting the Tree

Players can reset their Operations Tech Tree at any time, reclaiming most of their Upgrade Points and allowing them to reallocate points into different nodes. Some nodes, however, cannot be reset and remain activated after the reset. Once reset, the tree cannot be reset again for 24 hours.

Mastering the Operations Tech Tree allows players to customize their gameplay experience, enhancing both passive and active abilities, while making strategic decisions on how to allocate resources and influence.

Tech-Tree Operations

  • Expedite

  • Stockpile

  • Mine

  • Scout

  • War Games

  • Warp Speed

  • Hyper Drive

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