
Combat in the game revolves around configuring BattleGroups, launching attacks, and occupying or defending tiles. Effective management of your fleet and understanding the combat mechanics will give you a strategic edge over your opponents.

A BattleGroup is made up of your ships and the Strike Crafts you equip them with. To configure your BattleGroup:

Enter the Base Station: Access the Battle Groups menu to assign Strike Craft from your Hangar to your Ships.

Command Capacity: Each Ship can only carry as many Strike Crafts as its Command Capacity allows.

Once a Ship is fully configured with Strike Crafts, it is ready for combat. Attacking

Your BattleGroup can be sent to attack neutral or enemy tiles. Before attacking, check your Battle Group Combat Rating, which gives a rough estimate of how your BattleGroup will fare against the tile’s defenses.

Target Selection: Choose your target based on the Risk Reminder to increase your chances of victory. Attackers will engage all defenders on the tile one by one until either the defenders or all your Strike Crafts are defeated.


Combat outcomes can result in the following:

  1. Victory: All defenders are defeated, and the tile is captured.

  2. Defeat: Your BattleGroup is destroyed, and your ships automatically retreat to your Base Station or an Outpost.

  3. Draw: If the battle is inconclusive after 10 rounds, a draw occurs. BattleGroups will remain on the tile and engage again after 5 minutes. Defenders fully recover in 6 minutes, giving you a chance to send reinforcements.

Occupying Tiles Neutral Tiles: After defeating defenders on neutral tiles, you occupy the tile immediately.

Enemy Tiles: After defeating defenders on enemy tiles, it takes time to occupy them.

Tile Limit: You can occupy a limited number of tiles at a time, which increases as you upgrade your tech tree or complete Chapter missions. Once occupied, you will collect all the resources and influence generated by the tile.

Combat Reports

After each combat, a Combat Report is generated and delivered to your inbox. These reports provide detailed information about the battle, including which Strike Craft dealt the most damage, and which Ship abilities were used. For those wanting even more insight, the combat logs break down each round turn by turn, allowing for an in-depth review of your strategy and performance.


To strengthen your BattleGroup after suffering losses.

Reinforce: Tap on a Ship to find your BattleGroup when it’s not in your Station. Tap the Reinforce button to assign additional Strike Crafts to your Ship.

Repairing Damaged Strike Craft

After combat, not all Strike Crafts are destroyed. Damaged Strike Crafts are sent to the Repair Bay, where you can repair them for a fraction of their fabrication cost or scrap them to free up space in your Hangar.


You can set a Ship stationed on a tile to Guard. When in guard mode, the Ship will defend not only its current tile but also adjacent tiles controlled by your Guild or Faction. Attacks on these guarded tiles will be automatically repelled by the guarding Ship.

Mastering these combat mechanics will help you dominate the battlefield, expand your territory, and protect your valuable resources,

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